Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Big Trip - Day 1, Mount Rainier National Park

What is the difference between fantasy and a great road trip? With the trip, you come back with pictures!

Saturday the 27th of July saw us on the road to Mount Rainier National Park. Set up in the Cougar Rock Campground still left us time for a short hike.
Mount Rainier frosted and fluffy
The trailhead for Carter Falls is almost directly across the highway.  We followed the description in an earlier version of Day Hike! Mount Rainier, but here is another description.
Look for the sign!
Down the slope to the boulder field, we had our first glacier lesson, although I didn't know it at the time. I thought, "There must be a lot of spring flooding to clear out this river bed so much."  We were to learn later that this rocky mess is not the result of spring flooding, but a remnant of the Nisqually Glacier.  We are hiking over the old glacier bed.

Next, we cross a footbridge over the rushing chocolate milk of the Nisqually River.
Cal crossing the Nisqually River and of course, stopping for a photo
Our first mammal sighting
Carter Falls

A great first day: geology, wildlife, wildflowers, beautiful sights and the glow of satisfaction as we settled into our camp chairs that evening.

1 comment:

  1. It looks as though the Nisqually River crossing may have been a little wet!! Nice photo of Carter Falls.
